Yokohama is the second largest international city after Tokyo. It is close to Tokyo and easily accessible. Popular tourist destinations include Minato Mirai, Chinatown, the ancient city of Kamakura with its temple tours and Great Buddha, Hakone, the hot spring resort of Odawara Castle, and the night view of the factories in Kawasaki. Hiratsuka's Tanabata Festival in August and the Hakone Daimyo Gyoretsu (feudal lord's procession) in November are well-known events. 横浜は東京に次ぐ、国際的な大都市。東京から近く、アクセスしやすい。みなとみらい、中華街、古都鎌倉のお寺巡り・大仏、湯の街箱根、小田原城、川崎の工場夜景は人気が高い。 イベントは8月の平塚の七夕祭り、11月の箱根大名行列が有名。